Can a Garden Room Be Attached to the House? - Exploring Seamless Extensions

Can a Garden Room Be Attached to the House? - Exploring Seamless Extensions

If you want to expand your home and make it a larger, more comfortable (perhaps even more valuable) space, you can go about it in a wide range of different ways, but one that can be ideal once you look into all the details is to add a garden room to your property. A garden room attached to your house is a great idea as it’s versatile, unique, attractive, and much more cost-effective than a lot of the other options you might have been thinking about. The question is, of course, can a garden room be attached to the house? Let’s look into it and find out.

 What About Planning Permission?

Whenever you want to do anything that changes the size and structure of your home or adds something to your land, you’ll need to find out whether what you’re planning comes under what’s known as permitted development or whether you’ll actually need to apply for planning permission. If you need to do this latter option but don’t, you could end up in a lot of trouble, be subject to fines, and have to take down whatever was built, so it really is worth investigating thoroughly before you begin the process and definitely before you spend any money on it.

 When it comes to garden rooms, generally, planning permission isn’t needed as it comes under the banner of permitted development, making things much more straightforward and faster. However, that doesn’t mean you can just get started because there are still certain criteria to be met.

 Don’t Forget Building Regulations

Attaching a garden room to your house is about more than just applying for planning permission (or not, as the case may be); you also need to ensure the building complies with building regulations before a garden room can be built. These regulations are in place to make sure everything’s safe and as it should be – they’re there to make sure you can actually use your garden room how you want to – and they’ll include things like ventilation, insulation, and the structure itself.

Make sure you do plenty of research to ensure you’re buying a garden room that definitely complies with all the building regulations it has to. Otherwise, you’ll not only have a building that isn’t right, but you’ll have one that will be uncomfortable to use.

 Why Attach A Garden Room To Your Home?

There are many excellent reasons why you might think about adding a garden room to your home, but something to bear in mind is that if you want to use it for sleeping accommodation, that’s when planning permission could well come into play. If you do require planning permission, it’s best to start that process as soon as possible, as it can take a while.

 However, if you don’t want to sleep in the garden room, you can still use it for all kinds of things, like a great home or garden office for remote working, or a gym or other leisure room so you can relax properly at home. It could be a playroom or a dining room. It’s your choice; you can use it however you want to, and it’s sure to elevate your outdoor living accommodation.

 Contact Us Today

To find out more about building a garden room, please reach out – we can help you. We’re the experts with all the answers, and we can certainly point you in the right direction.

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